
Whether you’re exploring faith or interested in joining us we’d love to connect with you. If you’re thinking about becoming part of the Peoples Church family, we’d like to invite you for a newcomers' welcome meal. It’s a great opportunity to meet our church leaders, Rob & Silmara, hear their stories and meet some of our other leaders too.   You can email us to find out when our next meal is here

Got questions? Try Alpha…

Alpha is a chance to ask the big questions of life and explore the Christian faith in a fun, relaxed environment. To sign up to our next Alpha course please email here

Our Vision

You can find out more about the Peoples Church's vision and values by listening to our latest Vision morning talk on our YouTube channel by clicking here.  The podcast gives a great explanation of who we are, why we do what we do, and where we are heading into our future.  We know God has great plans for Bestwood and our City and we are excited to play our part.

Get Involved

If you decide that Peoples Church is the church for you, the best way to settle in is to get involved by serving. We want to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and accepted, and get involved by serving.  There are so many ways to get involved.  You can email us here to find out how you can get involved.

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